
Hi everyone! Just another, quick reminder: Aalto Futsal is back! We'll kick off next Tuesday (8:30) in Hakaniemi, as Jukka already mentioned. FYI, we will definitely return to Otahalli (with our Tuesday (8:30-9:30) slot) once the renovations are complete (exact date still to be confirmed)—we’ve just signed the new contract with the new operator, West Indians. It looks like we’ll be in Hakaniemi until at least the end of October. Hope to see many of you next week! Please start signing up :) Cheers, Ewald


Hi everyone. We're kicking off the weekly futsal again, starting on Tuesday 20 August! Same time as usual, 8.30am, and same location as in the spring, Arena Center Hakaniemi. The school covers the cost, so participation is free.

A short note on potential future developments. The Otaniemi location is still under renovation, likely at least until end of October. The Otaniemi location is now administered by Westend Indians rather than Unisport, and the fees have doubled from what they used to be. Currently it looks like Hakaniemi would actually be cheaper than Otaniemi in the future, though we hope the school will continue to pay the bill. Regardless, this is not an ideal development and we'll likely have to have a discussion with the Dean about whether or not the school will continue to cover the costs of our futsal games, with the increased fees.



I continue to have a problem with Hakaniemi, so out until further notice.
Quite an outrageous pricing policy by Indians.


Hi everyone! It's our last futsal session tomorrow before the summer break. Hope to see many of you there! After the summer break, we'll start again on either the 13th or 20th of August in Hakaniemi. Otahalli is closed at least until mid-October. Until then, we'll still be playing in Hakaniemi. Looking forward to a great game tomorrow. If we don't see each other, I'm already wishing you all a nice summer. Cheers, Ewald


Hi everyone! We’re already 7 players for tomorrow. This is great - but of course, there’s always space for more. See you tomorrow!


See you tomorrow morning!